Teams Cast Away
Den norske Teams podcasten. Her blir det gjester hver gang. Vi kommer til å snakke om: Teams Telefoni, PowerApps, Dyn365, Kundeservice,Governance i Teams, Nyheter, Effektivisering, Migrering til Teams, Sertifiseringer, viktigheten å velge en partner som kan hjelpe deg. Så håper jeg du liker den og vil du være gjest ja så send meg en mail på podcast@teamscastaway.no
Teams Cast Away
TCA S9 E1 with MVP Martin Rövekamp & MVP Knut Relbe-Moe
Season 9
Episode 1
Wecome to the season premiere, season 9. And what a start. Today we have MVP Martin Rövekamp and MVP Knut Relbe-Moe. We talk about all the things we are organizing as community events. Collabdays Hamburg, Oslo and Global AI Bootcamp in Hamburg.
Link to the last one is here: https://globalai.community/chapters/hamburg/events/global-ai-bootcamp-hamburg-2025/
We also talk about Intranet, Sharepoint and AI together with Copilot
For me, I just want to thank you all that tune in for the Podcast.
Since Martin is not so good in Norwegian, the episode is done in english.