Teams Cast Away
Den norske Teams podcasten. Her blir det gjester hver gang. Vi kommer til å snakke om: Teams Telefoni, PowerApps, Dyn365, Kundeservice,Governance i Teams, Nyheter, Effektivisering, Migrering til Teams, Sertifiseringer, viktigheten å velge en partner som kan hjelpe deg. Så håper jeg du liker den og vil du være gjest ja så send meg en mail på
Teams Cast Away
TCA S9 E1 with MVP Martin Rövekamp & MVP Knut Relbe-Moe
Season 9
Episode 1
Wecome to the season premiere, season 9. And what a start. Today we have MVP Martin Rövekamp and MVP Knut Relbe-Moe. We talk about all the things we are organizing as community events. Collabdays Hamburg, Oslo and Global AI Bootcamp in Hamburg.
Link to the last one is here:
We also talk about Intranet, Sharepoint and AI together with Copilot
For me, I just want to thank you all that tune in for the Podcast.
Since Martin is not so good in Norwegian, the episode is done in english.